Episode 8

Guest: Lewis Denham-Parry and Andy Martin
Title: KubeCon CTF

CoSeCast – The Continuous Security Podcast features host Steve Giguere interviewing security enthusiasts, devops frontline champions, technology philosophers and expert practitioners to break down silos of knowledge and narrow the gaps between us.  Grab a coffee, tea or your favourite craft ale enjoy the show.

Recent Posts

  • Episode 8

    Guest: Lewis Denham-Parry and Andy Martin
    Title: KubeCon CTF

  • brian haugli

    Episode 7

    Guest: Brian Haugli
    Title: Security Culture Change #CISOLIFE

  • Episode 6

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  • Episode 5

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  • Episode 4

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  • Episode 3

    Guest: Kenichi Shibata
    Title: Continuous Learning through DevOps

  • Episode 2

    Guest: Glenn Wilson
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  • Episode 1

    Guest: Tanya Janca
    Title: Allison and Bob Learn Application Security

  • Episode 0

    While we wait for episode 1 of CoSeCast, check out this introductory episode which explain what The Continuous Security Podcast is all about!

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